The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to upload files and folders using the program CuteFTP. We will also teach you how to manage those files and folders once they are uploaded. To begin, we will assume that you have the FTP program CuteFTP already installed and running on your computer, but not connected to a remote server. The main screen should be open. You will see two windows - the one on the left is the local host, or your computer, and the one on the right is the remote server, or your web site, if that is where you are connecting to. There is a large panel across the bottom that will note all your activity, and keep up you updated as it is completed.

Now, let's start by learning how to upload files and folders, to a remote server from your computer. You need to find the Site Manager icon. It is in the menu bar of icons, the one that looks like an open book. Click on it. This will open the Site Manager window, and in the left hand window, you will see your site listed. If your site is not already configured, please see the tutorial "How to configure your web site in CuteFTP". Select this site by clicking on it. Then click Connect at the bottom of the window. This will open a small prompt window, you need to click OK again, and now you are connected and ready to upload. You should now have both windows open. The left window should be displaying your local computer files, and the right hand window is displaying the remote server files.

To upload files, select the correct place for them to go in the remote server window. This is the first thing you need to do. Once you have determined where you are going to upload the files to, go to your local computer (left hand window) window, and select the files you want to upload. To select more than one file, hold down the CTRL key while making your selections. When you are ready to upload, go to the icon menu and locate the upload icon. It is the Green arrow. Click on this icon to start transferring files to the remote server. To download a file from the remote server to your local computer, first select the file or files. Then go to the icon menu, and click the Green Down arrow. The file(s) will now download to your local computer. To close the connection with the remote server, from the icon menu, click on the icon that looks like a plug being unplugged. This ends this part of the tutorial. You now know how to upload and download files and folders in CuteFTP.

The next part of the tutorial deals with managing those files and folders. You should have CuteFTP running, and be connected to a remote server at this time. let's begin by creating a new folder in the remote server. There are two ways to create a new folder. In the icon menu at the top, click on the New Folder icon, that looks simply like a folder. This will give you a window called New Folder, with a box for you to type a name for the new folder. When you are done, click OK. The other way is to right click anywhere in the remote server window. This will bring up a menu, and you will select New Folder. Again, it will bring up the window for you to name the folder. To rename the folder, Right Click the folder, then from the menu, click on Rename. Type the new name in the highlighted box. The folder has now been renamed. Files can be renamed the same way as folders.

To delete a file or folder, first make sure it is highlighted. Then go to the icon menu and locate the big red X, over the remote server window. Click on this to delete. CuteFTP will ask you to confirm that you wish to delete, so click on the Yes button. That file or folder is now deleted. The next step is to learn how to change permissions. In the remote server window, you need to select the file for which you want to change permissions. Then from the Icon menu, find the Properties icon, which is a sheet of paper with a red check mark. Click on the Properties Icon. This opens the Properties window for the file you selected. To change permissions, simply enter the new permissions value in the box provided, or check off the appropriate permission boxes. When you are done, click Apply, then click OK. Your permission have now been changed. This ends this tutorial. You now know how to manage files and folders. You can create folders (directories), delete files and folders, change permissions and rename files and folders in CuteFTP.

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