Edit Task

This command is used to update the details of a WHMCSPM2 Task in your WHMCS system. You just need to send the taskid and the attributes from below that you want to change. You do not need to send them all.


name - task name
description - task description
assigned - id of admin task is assigned to (single admin)
private - (boolean) internal project, client cannot view
admin_email_ok - (boolean) enable admin notifications for project
client_email_ok - (boolean) enable client notifications for project
complete - (integer) percent complete in whole number
projectid - projectid of the project the task is for
category - category id
priority - priority id
status - status id
segment - (integer) percent of total project this task represents
startdate - start date of the project, default is today (whmcs date format)
enddate - end date or deadline of the project, default is today (whmcs date format)
billableitemid - id from tblproducts, or custom for custom values
billablerate - in the format 222.22, (requires custom billable item)
billabledescription - description of custom billable item
calendar - (boolean) add calendar entry for this task
sendemail - (boolean) Send Client and Admin email notifications?
customfields - a base64 encoded serialized array of custom field values
**NOTE** For boolean values, use 0 for false and 1 for true;

Example Command

$postfields["action"] = "whmcspm2edittask";
$postfields["taskid"] = "1";
$postfields["name"] = "New Task Name";
$postfields["assigned"] = "2";
$postfields["billableitemid"] = "26";

Returned Variables

result - error / success
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